Any minute now the wheels should be touching down in Florida. My dear kindergarten buddy, with her daughter and "male companion" have planted their touchasses in some very uncomforatble seats for 10 plus hours to pay us a visit. Jacksonville can be lovely, and the beach will surely deliver a delightful diversion, but they didn't come for the scenery. They came for us. To celebrate I whipped up a little soul food, Brooklyn Jew style. The matzo ball soup (I didn't even use a mix) and 5 pounds of potato kugel create a potpourri that leaves those Yankee Candle people in the dust. A little challah and Jewish rye, and we're on our way. Feasting and kibbitzing shall ensue. If only their flight weren't delayed...
-------Update 6/19 - 12:10AM (guestposter) - something told me to take this pic from the plane...

I can smell that wonderful aroma all the way up the I-95 corridor!!! Mmmmmm. Leftovers?
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